Dyson bio

Esther Dyson

Executive Founder
Way to Wellville

Esther Dyson(@edyson on twitter) is executive founder of the Way to Wellville (@WaytoWellville), a ten-year, nonprofit evidence-generating project devoted to defining and refining models for cultivating community health (not health *care*) that return profits to investors and health to the participants and their communities. Wellville advises the five US-based Wellville communities in accelerating their own health initiatives, in Clatsop County, OR; Lake County, CA; Muskegon County, MI; North Hartford, CT; and Spartanburg, SC. Dyson is the W2W lead for Muskegon, and is actively involved in overall policy and fundraising for the project.

Aside from that full-time role, Dyson spends her extra time investing in and nurturing start-ups, with a recent focus on health care (somewhat constrained to avoid conflicts with Wellville). On the health side, she is an investor in 23andMe (also a director), Applied Proteomics, Big Health, Care.Coach, Clover Health, Eligible, Enso, Hawthorne Effect, Health Impact, Health Loop, HealthTap, i2Dx, Medesk, mEquilibrium, Omada Health, PatientsLikeMe, PatientsKnowBest, Prognos, Proofpilot, Resilient, StartupHealth, Tocagen, Valkee, Wellpass (director) and Zipongo.

Way to Wellville will operate for 10 years, measuring its progress both year by year and at the end, using both specific program-based metrics and the overall goals set by the 100 Million.