Confab for Advancing
Women in Leadership

Amplifying women’s leadership perspectives and industry impact

Confab is a vital, invitation-only community of cross-industry senior executives sharing the goal of strengthened organizational performance through the advancement of women in health care leadership. Confab convenes a series of virtual sessions and annual in-person gatherings for CEOs and other leaders of any gender in a position to actualize real change, as well as senior executive women aspiring to even larger roles in the industry.

Inadequate female representation in the Board Rooms and C-Suites of health care organizations is especially conspicuous given the disproportionately-high numbers of women in the health care workforce overall and in unpaid caregiving roles, and in combination with their powerful influence as health care consumers and decision-makers.

Benefits of Involvement

Exclusive Connections

Confab cultivates a confidential environment in which executives can safely express authentic and honest thoughts. A solutions-oriented community, Confab focuses on innovative and proven practices, meaningful measurement, opportunities for collaboration, influential introductions, and network building. All of which is intended to stimulate executives’ creative thinking to fuel enhanced corporate performance and impact.

Exclusive Connections

A Health Evolution incubator for emerging ideas and thought leadership, Confab creates a setting for pinnacle CEOs to navigate the next stage of their careers and create their national legacies, and a national-level venue for championing health care’s rising stars.

Industry Evolution

Within the context of major societal and workforce changes, Confab’s discussion themes include:

  • Maximizing organizational performance through caring, authentic, and effective leadership
  • Building pathways that support women’s executive leadership aspirations
  • Leaning into and speaking out on the tough topics facing today’s health care leaders

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