
Thank you for your interest in having an executive team support member participate in the upcoming Health Evolution event. As you can imagine, at a CEO-level retreat, we have a lot of requests to bring additional staff, and already have a capacity challenge. For organizations with events held during Health Evolution events, we have additional Health Evolution and production staff on-site to make sure the event runs smoothly. Should you wish to send someone to assist with your hosted event, on-site meetings, thought leadership sessions, or other relevant Connect-related items sponsored by your organization, we have set parameters for executive support staff participation during the event.

Executive team support is limited to one per company; for partnering sponsors, please note that the number of executive team support members is limited to the maximum number outlined in your agreement.

On-Site Guidelines:
– Badging: Executive team support members will be badged as Health Evolution team. Badge will be provided at the registration desk.
– Access Areas: Attendance is limited only to your sponsored event, meeting space, breakout, etc.
– Workspace: Executive team support members are welcome to utilize the workspace in the Health Evolution team office.
– Meals: Executive team support members are welcome to special meals in designated Health Evolution staff eating areas such as the staff office.
– Hotel Accommodations: Unfortunately, hotel rooms within the event block of rooms are reserved only for registered event participants; if you’d like recommendations for nearby resorts, please contact team@healthevolution.com.
– Transportation: Shuttle service is not available from the airport nor between off-site hotels.

These practices are to ensure we maintain the valued intimacy of the Health Evolution community; thank you for your understanding.


If you have any questions, please contact James Lloyd.