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Ambience Healthcare’s mission is to supercharge clinicians with breakthrough generative AI technology. The Ambience AI operating system provides clinicians with a powerful suite of tools, designed to reduce documentation burden, alleviate clinician burnout, and improve care quality. These tools include an AI medical scribe, CDI assistant, after-visit summary and specialist referral generator. By partnering with Ambience, healthcare systems see on average a 78% reduction in documentation time, rapid adoption among clinicians, and substantial ROI.

Founded in 2020 by Mike Ng and Nikhil Buduma, Ambience Healthcare is headquartered in San Francisco, California, and backed by Andreessen Horowitz, OpenAI, Human Capital, Kleiner Perkins, Martin Ventures, AIX Ventures, AirTree Ventures, John Doerr, Jeff Dean, Richard Socher, Pieter Abbeel, Anne Wojcicki, Eren Bali, Jay Desai, Nish Bhat, Matt Mochary, and others.